Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/483

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Dunstan, the resolute, in the archbishopric,

and AEthelwold the venerable, and others like them;

but Dunstan and AEthelwold were chosen of God,

and they, most of all, exhorted men to [do] God's will,

and advanced everything good, to the pleasure of God,

as the miracles testify which God worketh through them.

CONTINUATION (St. Macarius).

Men should also take notice, that many sorcerers

cause manifold delusions, through the devil's art,

as diviners (?) often do, and deceive men,

as if they would verily perform a desired matter.

But it is nevertheless a delusion, by the devil's art;

and if anyone makes the sign of the cross over it, then the delusion ceases.

As to this, we may relate a true instance.

A certain holy father was named Macarius,

a dweller in the desert, working many miracles,

a man of monastic life. Then was a maiden transformed

by the delusion of sorcerers, but only in an illusory manner.

The maiden was transformed so as to seem a mare,

and it appeared to all who looked upon her

as if she were a mare, not of human kind.

Then her parents led her to Macarius,

and he straightway asked what they wanted with her.

Her parents said to him: ' This mare that thou seest

was [once] our daughter, a worshipful maiden ;

but accursed sorcerers have turned her into a mare.

Now we entreat thee, master, to pray for her

and to transform her again to what she was before.'

Then Macarius said thus to her parents,

'I see this maiden in human form,

and she is not transformed, as ye imagine her to be,

and she hath nothing about her of the nature of a horse,

but she is so made to appear in your sight