Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/549

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stantine: these are the Saints who, according to the command of Decius the emperor, were enclosed with wrought stones in this cave; and we two, Theodorus and Eufinus, wrote their martyrology and laid it herein, with these Saints, upon a stone." And when they had read that writing, they were all wondering, and with one mind praised and magnified God Almighty for the great wonders which He had manifested there, and granted to all men; and they all with one voice praised the holy martyrs of God where they sat all in a row within the cave ; and all their countenances were like roses and lilies. And the bishop and all the multitude fell down upon the earth, and prayed to the Saints ; and all the people blessed and worshipped Almighty God for His great mercy, in that He deigned to reveal to them such wonders. And they, the holy martyrs, sat in the cave, and related in order to the bishop Mariniis and to the chiefest men how they had acted in the time of Decius the emperor, and how many distresses they suffered under him, and many other things they there revealed to them which had happened in his days, and how other martyrs suffered under his persecutions, all as we related before in the former part of this story.

And the bishop Marinus sent immediately afterwards a letter to the good emperor Theodosius, which was indited to this effect: " Humbly I greet thee, my lord, and I pray thy glorious kingship that thou come to us as quickly as thou canst, that thou mayest see the great miracles which God Almighty hath granted to all mankind, and He hath manifested them in the time of thy reign. My lord, light is come to us upon the earth, and we have with us the brightness of the true faith; and the future resurrection