Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/101

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Judas also went over the river Jordan,

across the vast desert, and subdued the heathen.

He came then to a city, named Bosor,

in which were the heathen that oppressed his kindred.

All them he put to death with the edge of the sword,

and set the city on fire, and hastened away afterwards.

Verily, then in the morning there came against him so many men

that no man might (at all) number the multitude,

and began to fight firmly with craft,

and knew not that Maccabeus was with the men.

When Judas heard the noise of the heathen,

and the shout of the fight, then went he behind them

with three companies, and slew the heathen,

until that they perceived that the keen Judas

was fighting against them, and turned then to (their) horses;

they knew that they could not withstand Maccabeus.

In the battle there were eight thousand men

slain, of the heathen folk, and the rest fled away.

Judas then went, fighting against the heathen,

and burned up their cities, and slew them reproachfully.

Then came Timotheus, a keen leader

with an excessive army, and laid wait at a ford.

But Judas came against him boldly with weapons,

and passed over the ford, and fought with the heathen,

as his custom was, until that they turned from him,

and cast away their weapons, and went to a town;

but Judas burned them up, and the town together.

He took then his kinsmen from among the wicked ones,

with wives and children, and they returned home.

Then was there a great town, in the midst of their way,

and there was no high-road on either side of the town