Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/115

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Thereupon the priests with excessive mourning

prayed the Almighty God that He would shield His own house

against the impious one, and would quickly destroy him.

Nicanor then again took another army from Syria;

he desired to execute his threat with works;

and Judas came to him with three thousand warriors,

and prayed to God with bent limbs thus.

'Lord, thou that sentest thy shining angel,

when the king of Syria sent by his leaders

in written messages a reproachful word to Thee,

and the angel slew then, in one night, of them

a hundred thousand men and eighty thousand,

destroy now, I pray Thee, this furious army

before our faces, that men may see Thy might over them.'

They then joined battle together quickly with weapons,

and Nicanor at the first fell there slain,

and his host cast away their weapons, and fled.

But Judas followed them quickly with weapons,

and summoned on all sides with blowing [of trumpets] assistance to him,

until that they drove (?) them back again to Judas,

and slew them all, that there remained not one.

They took then their weapons and their garments with them,

and Nicanor's head and his right hand,

and set them for a token, for his injury (to them),

and thanked God then exceedingly with worship.

They dwelt then in peace some time after that,

and Judas then sent, with peace, to Eorae

chosen messengers; he would have friendship with them,

because the Roman senators were then mighty,

and prudent in works, and overcame their enemies.