Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/157

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so that the stones fell suddenly together,

and thus was it (the gate) wrought into a wall.

Then were they terrified on account of that wonderful token,

and forthwith looked sorrowfully to heaven,

and saw our Lord's cross gloriously shining there;

and God's angel bore it above the gate, and thus said:

'When that the heavenly king, Christ Himself, entered in

through this same gate to His own passion,

He was not clothed with purple, nor adorned with royal crown,

nor rode He through this stone gate upon a steed,

but on the back of an ass He rode meekly

as an example to men, that they should shun pride,'

And after these words the angel went up.

Lo! then the emperor quickly alighted,

thanking God for the lesson;

and he took off his purple and his girdle of pall;

then he went with naked feet and took the rood,

praising God with shedding of tears.

Then befell a divine miracle to the stone-work.

When the emperor came with meekness to them,

then the stones parted, and the gate opened itself.

There was also another marvel, so that a winsome (delightful) odour

steamed from the holy cross, when it was on its way home,

throughout the land and filled the air;

and the people rejoiced on account of this, being filled with the odour.

No perfume could give out so delightful a smell.

And then the emperor exclaimed with joy:

' O thou marvellous rood on which Christ deigned to suffer,

and quench our sins with His precious blood!

O thou rood, shining more than the stars,

glorious on this middle earth! Greatly art thou to be loved,