Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/161

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Though a man wave about wonderfully with his hand,

nevertheless it is not a blessing except he make the sign

of the holy cross; and forthwith the fierce fiend

will be terrified on account of the victorious token.

With three fingers must a man make the sign and bless himself

for the Holy Trinity, which is a glory-ruling God.

Sometimes priests say that Christ's betrayer,

the impious Judas, shall not hereafter be condemned

in the great day (of doom) to the deep hell;

and they say that he may excuse himself to Christ,

as if he of necessity committed that treachery against Him.

But against that we say, that Christ's word is not false;

He said concerning Judas, that it were better for him

that he were not born, than that he should be His betrayer.

Neither the Jews nor that secret traitor

were compelled by God to that horrible intention;

but when that Christ, who seeth all things,

saw their evil will. He then turned it to good,

so that their wickedness became to us for salvation.

Each man who does evil with evil will

is guilty before God, though it may benefit some;

and each man who does good with good will,

hath his reward of God, though it may do harm to some;

because the righteous judge giveth to each the reward

according as he himself determined and his will dictated to him.

Now are the Jews and the shameless traitor (Judas),

who plotted against Him, guilty of Christ's death,

though that it became to us for everlasting redemption,

and none of them shall ever come to Christ's kingdom

unless they have repented of it and turn to Christ. io

The Saviour is so merciful, that He would have mercy