Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/175

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whilst still in this life, because they desired the (life) eternal.

Then was there long life, and mild weather,

health of body, during long-lasting peace,

fruitfulness on earth, and sufficiency in riches.

But nevertheless the saints despised all that,

and entirely desired the eternal life.

Behold now, this earth is too much harassed,

and with many distresses evilly oppressed;

and nevertheless we love its distresses still;

and for this deceitful life we labour and toil,

and for the future life we toil little,

wherein we shall ever have whatsoever we earn here.

Once this earth drew men away from God

by its fairness, and now it helpeth us to God,

because it is filled with many distresses.

Let us therefore now turn our wills to God,

and our contemplation to the eternal life,

that we afterward may dwell there for ever;

even as Christ Himself promised to them that love Him.

To whom is glory and worship for ever and ever. AMEN.



Paul, the doctor of the Gentiles, as he journeyed through the land

preaching the faith, even as the Saviour commanded him,

came on a certain day to a great city

hight Athens, illustrious and great,

the capital city of the Greeks, dwelling in heathenism.

There was Dionysius, the noble martyr,

the leader of the heathen in their unbelief,

until that Paul converted him from error to right.