Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/205

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hast forsaken him, and he will hasten to do every evil concerning thee. It behoveth thee verily to suffer many things that thou mayest receive a crown of glory. Behold! thou wast until now exalted in this world's riches and transitory works; now it befitteth thee to be humbled from thine high vanity that thou mayest afterward be exalted in spiritual riches. Let not thy courage fail, neither look thou back to thy former glory; but even as thou hast desired to please men and the mortal king by thy victorious fight, so likewise it behoveth thee to hasten that thou mayest keep thy troth with Me, the immortal King, and at this time to be tried by sufferings and labour, even as my beloved servant Job, and (be) the devil's vanquisher through patience. Beware however that no cursing and murmuring arise in thy thought. Verily when thou shalt be humbled I will come to thee, and will bring thee again to thine own glory and honour.'

Then after this speech Christ ascended to heaven, and said to Eustace; ' Whether is dearer to thee to receive temptations now, or nearer thy end? ' Then said Eustace, ' I beseech (thee) Lord Jesus, unless it be unallowable to overcome the things which are predestined by Thee for us, let us receive the temptation now, and give us patience to endure, lest the accursed fiend provoke us to say and think anything against Thy will.'

The Lord said to him; ' Eustace, strive; verily My grace is with you and shall keep your souls.'

Then Eustace returned home, and related to his wife all that was said to him by the Lord, and they bowed their knees, and besought God, saying, ' Lord Jesus, be it as Thy will may be.' Then it happened after a few days that his household was attacked by a mortal disease and died, both his male and female servants. Then Eustace perceived that the aforesaid trial was then upon him, and thankfully received it, and besought his wife not to faint nor be too sorry. Then again after a little space all his horses and beasts of every kind were dead, and he joyfully received those trials, and secretly went away with his