Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/255

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Then Martin departed not very far from thence,

and clothed himself with haircloth, and bestrewed himself with ashes,

fasting three days, and besought his Lord

that he would (destroy) the heathen temple by heavenly might,

since he, by his power, could not crush it.

After that fasting there came suddenly to him

two shining angels with spears and shields,

as if in the likeness of a heavenly army,

saying to the saint that the Saviour had sent them,

that they might confound the churlish folk,

and succour Martin so that they should not withstand him.

Then Martin went to the aforesaid idol,

and with the succour of the angels, while men were looking on,

utterly destroyed the temple and the altar to dust,

and all the images of their venerated gods.

Then the heathen could not resist Martin,

but were greatly terrified by the divine might,

and believed in God, crying with faith

that that God was to be worshipped Whom the holy man preached,

and their gods were to be forsaken who could not profit them.

XIII. Once, on a certain occasion, even as the story telleth us,

the holy bishop was overthrowing a vast idol;

then came down straightway upon him the churlish folk,

fiercely raging, because they were heathen,

and one of them instantly drew his sword.

The bishop, going towards him, took off his cape,

and stretched forth his neck to the murderous heathen;

and therewith the heathen, when he would have slain him,

fell backwards, seized with terror,