Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/287

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in a royal car, and they did not know Martin.

Martin rode quickly towards them poorly clad

in black clothes; then the mules which drew the chariot

drew aside quickly, being frightened at his approach,

and entangled the traces, so that they could not pull.

Then the soldiers were madly incensed

and seized Martin, and scourged him a long while

with whips and with staves; and he was alway silent

as if he felt their blows nowhit,

and at this they were the madder against him,

and more furiously beat the holy man.

Then came his companions and found him lying

with bleeding limbs and beaten body,

and quickly raised him up upon his ass,

and hastened to get away from the place.

Then the soldiers desired to go forward with the chariot,

but all the mules became alike immoveable,

fastened to the earth as if they were brazen.

Then they beat all the mules alike

with whips and rods, but they ever stood

in the same place as if they had been images.

Then at length the soldiers understood by means of the beasts

that they had been set fast by divine might,

and began to enquire of other wayfarers

who the man might be whom they had so savagely beaten.

Then it was told them that it was Martin,

and they forthwith all ran after him,

bestrewed with dust and drearily weeping

that they had so shamefully maltreated the holy man,

and lay at his feet prostrate with fear,

beseeching his clemency that they might proceed,

and saying that they themselves rather deserved

to stand stiffened in the likeness of stones,

or that the earth should swallow them all.