Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/341

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who work many miracles, as is widely known,

to the praise of the Almighty in whom they believed.

Christ showeth to men, through His illustrious saints,

that He is Almighty God who causeth such wonders,

though the miserable Jews altogether denied Him,

because they are accursed, as they desired for themselves.

There are no wonders wrought at their sepulchres,

because they believe not in the living Christ;

but Christ manifesteth to men where the true faith is,

since He worketh such miracles by His saints

widely throughout the earth, wherefore to Him be glory

ever with His Heavenly Father, and with the Holy Ghost, for

ever and ever. Amen.



There was a certain man in the province of Alexandria named Paphnutius, who was beloved and honoured of all men, diligently keeping God's commandments; and he then took him a spouse of birth equal to his own rank; she was filled with all honourable virtues, but she was barren. Then was her husband exceedingly afflicted, because there was no child between them who should succeed to his possessions after his death; and she therefore daily distributed her wealth among the poor, and frequently sought churches, and with supplications besought God that He would give them a child, especially because she saw her husband's sorrow. And he himself likewise travelled through many places, (to see)