Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/373

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because Father and Son and the Comforting Spirit

have one nature and one kingdom;

even as in one man are verily three things;

understanding, and will, and conscious memory,

which together ever belong to one man.'

Then fell Tiburtius, affrighted, at her knees,

and cried aloud and said with faith:

'it seemeth not to me that thou speakest with man's speech,

but as if God's angel himself spake through thee.

Nevertheless I ask concerning the other life,

who hath seen it and afterwards came hither?'

So then Caecilia wisely answered him,

and told how the Saviour came from heaven to us,

and what kind of many wonders He wrought in this world,

and how He raised the dead from death to life,

and how He Himself arose from death on the third day,

and said to him many things clearly concerning Christ.

Then wept Tiburtius, desiring earnestly

that he might be baptized by the aforesaid pope,

and his brother immediately went forth with him,

and told the pope what they had said.

Then Urban the pope rejoiced in God,

and straightway baptized the blessed youth,

and instructed him in the faith for seven days together,

until he, being perfected, went back again.

Then he obtained of God spiritual blessings,

so that he daily saw the Lord's angels,

and whatsoever he desired, God denied him not,

and frequently wrought miracles through him,

and through his brother, even as books tell.

There was in the city of Rome a certain cruel murderer

called Almachius, who was the prefect;

and he by many tortures martyred the Christians

when he could discover them; and no man might bury them.

Then Valerian and his aforesaid brother