Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/381

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' We believe that Christ, God's Son, is truly God

who hath in this way received thee as His handmaid in the world.'

Then were baptized four hundred men

in Caecilia's house to the praise of the Saviour,

and the pope said mass for the men frequently

in the same house, and heathenism waned.

Then the wicked Almachius bade quickly fetch

the blessed Caecilia, and at once asked her

of what family she was, and they disputed long

until her boldness vexed the judge,

and he said arrogantly again to the maiden;

' knowest thou not my might?' And the maiden said to him:

' I will say, if thou biddest me, what sort of might thou hast.

Every man's might who walketh in pride

is verily like as if a man should sew up

a bladder, and blow it full of wind,

and afterward make a hole, when it is puffed out,

then, in its greatness, the might departeth.'

Almachius said to her as they strove with words:

'Oh thou, unhappy one! knowest thou not that power

is given to me to slay and to make alive again.

And thou speakest so proudly, scorning my might.'

The maiden said to him: 'pride is one thing;

steadfastness is another, and I spake steadfastly,

not at all proudly, because we altogether

abhor pride.' And again she said to him:

' thou saidest that thou hadst power to kill .

and to make alive again; but I say that thou canst

destroy the living, but thou canst not give life

again to the dead; but thou liest openly.'

Almachius answered her: 'cast away thy presumption,

and offer to the gods reverent sacrifice.'

Caecilia said to him: ' test by grasping

whether they are stones, and stony images,