Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/67

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who hath come to men amid the Jewish people.

I have heard concerning Thee how Thou healest the sick,

blind, and halt, and raisest the bedridden,

[how] Thou cleanest lepers, and puttest to flight unclean spirits

out of men possessed, and awakest the dead.

Now I said in my mind that Thou art Almighty God,

or God's Son, who Thyself hast come to men,

that Thou mayest work these wonders, and I would pray Thee

that Thou wouldst vouchsafe Thyself to journey to me

and heal my infirmity, because I am evilly afflicted.

It is also told me that the Jewish people lay snares,

and conspire among themselves how they may dispossess Thee;

and I have a city which will suffice for us both.'

Then the Saviour Himself wrote this letter,

and sent it to the king, thus saying to him;

' Beatus es qui credidisti in me, cum ipse me non uideris,

Scrictum est enim de me, quia hii qui me uident non credent

in me, et qui non uident me, ijpsi credent et uiuent.

De eo autem quod scrijysisti mihi, ut ueniam ad te,

oportet me omnia propter quae missus sum hie explere;

et postea quam connpleuero, recipi me ad eum a quo missus sum.

Cum ergo fuero assum,ptus, mittam tihi aliquem,

ex discipulis meis, ut curet cegritudinem tuam,

et uitam tihi atque his qui tecum sunt prestet.

That is, in the English language, ' Blessed art thou, Abgar,

thou who believedst on Me when thou hadst not seen Me.

It is written concerning Me in the books of prophecy,

that they who see Me will not believe in Me,

and they who see Me not will believe and live.

Concerning that which thou has written to Me that I should come to thee,

I must first fulfil the things for which I am sent,

and I must afterward be taken to the same who sent Me;

and I will send to thee after I am taken up