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inclination to the army, an opportunity at that very time offered itſelf, as ſome troops were juſt about to embark for America. He therefore, in order partly to wear off the remembrance of his deareſt Roſara, who he then concluded, was given up to another and partly to gratify his own inclination entered himſelf a volunteer in one of theſe corps. About two days after he embarked, leaving the ſettling and management of his affairs in the hands of a friend, who was to ſucceed to his eſtate, provided he ſhould never return.

His departure being ſo very ſudden, Roſara had not the ſmalleſt notice of it until he was gone, ſoon after which, by his orders, ſhe received a letter ſpecifying his reaſons for ſo ſudden a departure. The ſituation ſhe was then in is much eaſier to conceive than deſcribe: But what made it ſtill more deplorable was, the extreme cruelty of her father and friends, who ſtill inhumanly inſiſted on her marrying Superbo, who was alſo ſo brutal as obtrude his ſolicitations with theirs. She was, however, inflexible, and told them in plain terms, that ſince Philander was prevented from enjoying her, none elſe ever ſhould. She moreover comforted hertelf, that ſo ſoon as an opportunity offered of writing to him, ſhe would then clear up the whole affair, by letting him