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of your ſon, as muſt be productive to yon of a degree of joy, very little inferior to rapture. The landlord was aſtoniſhed at theſe myſterious words, and aſked his brother, if he was formerly acquainted with the gentleman. To which the miniſter made anſwer in the affirmative. Who is he? ſaid the innkeeper with great emotion. The whole ſecret, returned the Abbe, ſhall be revealed to you at dinner. Hereupon the innholder appeared extremely agitated, and peremptorily aſſerted the departure of his gueſt at break of day. Indeed it cannot be ſo, replied the Prieſt. There is a happineſs in reſerve for you, my dear brother, which my heart ſtruggles to diſcloſe. But the obligations I am under of ſecrecy, will not permit me to unfold this intereſting riddle.

The maſter of the inn, whoſe face abundantly beſpoke the perturbation of his breaſt, ſtared upon the miniſter with a peculiar wildneſs in his eyes, and ſeemed entirely deprived of all power of utterance. Ah! my brother, cried the Abbe, this is too, too much. I cannot any longer keep you in this painful ſtate of ſuſpence. I beſeech you to recollect the features of the military gentleman. Pray tell me, if you cannot trace out the lineaments of your darling ſon, uuder the badge of diſtinguiſhed merit. This eclairciſſement had nearly proved fatal to the landlord, who turned very pale, trembled