Page:Afflicted parents, or, The undutiful child punished.pdf/7

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Then for his burial they soon did prepare,
One day his sad and mournful mother dear,
Stood weeping by his coffin as he lay.
And kissing his lips as cold as clay.

She quickly did perceive him to draw breath
His eyes he open'd and these words he said,
Alas! where am I now my Saviour dear,
Am I turned into this world of care!

His mother overjoyed away did run,
And told his father he to life was come;
His father said I'm grieved this to hear,
For he will still be punished I fear.

His father goes the truth of this to hear,
And found it just as his wife did declare,
They laid him in a bed and did prepare,
Rich cordials then his spirits for to cheer.

Being reviv'd he thus spoke to his friend,
I beg you for a minister will send;
For I have some wonders to declare,
Sinners to teach the word of God to hear.

The Rev. Mr Nixen being new come,
Amaz'd to see such wonders he had done;
He asked the youth how things with him might be
When he seem'd launch'd into eternity.

He said ſir for to tell the happiness,
My soul's been in I cannot it express;
But yet the atheist may be sure to find,
A heaven to bless, a hell to damn'd mankind.

There sure is a burning lake in hell.
A heaven where good saints and angels dwell,
But disobedient children ne'er come there,
Nor such as profanely curse and swear.