Page:Africa by Élisée Reclus, Volume 2.djvu/424

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end of the last century, the only Europeans who penetrated into the interior were a few missionaries sent to redeem captive Christians, some mariners wrecked on the coast, or envoys to the Sultan's court. But in 1789 the country was traversed by Lemprière, who was followed at the beginning of the nineteenth century by the Spaniard, Ali-Bey. Since then many journeys have been made along the routes

Fig. 156. — Routes of the Chief Explorers in Marocco.

between Tangier, Fez, Meknes, and Rhat, and between Mogador and the city of Marocco.

These itineraries indicate with tolerable accuracy the limits separating the Bled-el-Makhzen, or settled region, from the Bled-el-Siba, or independent districts held by tribes who refuse to pay the imposts or accept military service. In the