Page:Africa by Élisée Reclus, Volume 3.djvu/492

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Libreville has scarcely any value except as the centre of the military power. Besides the gardens attached to the Catholic mission, the only great plantation in the neighbourhood is that of Sibanghe, founded 10 miles farther north by a German house.

Above the delta one of the first permanent European stations on the Ogoway is Lambaréné, situated at the converging point of the natural highways leading

Fig. 195. — Elobey Islands.

in one direction to the Ngunie valley, in the other to the Gaboon estuary. Here also are some factories and a Catholic mission. Higher up, above an American mission and not far from the first cataracts, lies the village of Njole, which has been chosen as the chief town in the Ogoway basin. It stands on an islet in midstream and is held by a garrison of about forty native troops. Farther on follow Okota, Ashuka, near Lopé, a much-frequented fair, Bunji and Lastoursville, so