Page:Afterglow; pastels of Greek Egypt, 69 B.C. (IA afterglowpastels00buck).pdf/77

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The Greek

paused on an interrogation; repeated it. A short, muffled word came from the captive.

"That is good," he said to Antonius. "Release her, now, she has promised me to be silent."

"What charm didst thou speak. She no longer struggles!"

Thersites smiled, but said nothing. The next moment, the young girl, half naked, trembling with fright and anger, stood in the moonlight. Her eyes sought Thersites and remained fixed on him. Antonius sat down, still breathing heavily.

"She is a wild animal. I spoke to her. I threatened and prayed. But the old woman, I suppose, told the truth, and she could not understand me. Will she remain as she is now?"

He took a step toward the girl. Her mouth opened, about to scream. Her hand