Page:Afterglow; pastels of Greek Egypt, 69 B.C. (IA afterglowpastels00buck).pdf/79

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The Greek

Antonius laughed suddenly, and arose.

"Dost thou hear that mad offer," he asked Crobyle. "And wouldst thou go with me in place of this stripling?"

Crobyle's warm voice replied from the shadows.

"I would go with thee, and gladly," she said.

"Then, my foolish friend, I accept thy bargain. I will take Venus; thou mayest have Tisiphone."

"And may Venus bring thee joy."

Thersites turned to the girl.

"Thou mayest go," he said. "My girl Crobyle loves this soldier and will take thy place. I am sorry thou wert frightened."

The girl looked searchingly at him. He returned a smiling look, without mockery. Watching the three people, she seemed to understand what had taken place. Still