Page:Agreement of the people (1648 edition) (IA agreement1648).djvu/1

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Foundations of Freedom;





Propoſed as a Rule for future Government in the Eſtabliſhment of a firm and laſting PEACE.

Drawn up by ſeveral well-affected Perſons, and rendered to the Conſideration of the general Councel of the Army; and now offered to the Conſideration of all Perſons who are at Liberty, by Printing, or otherwiſe, to give their Reaſons for, or againſt it.

Unto which is annexed ſeveral Grievances by ſome Perſons, offered to be inſerted in the ſaid Agreement, but adjudged only neceſſary to be inſiſted on, as fit to be removed by the next Repreſentatives.

Published for the Satisfaction of all honest Intereſts. 1648.