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whatſoever is not in this Agreement excepted or reſerved from them:

As particularly:

1. We do not empower our Repreſentatives to continue in force, or make any Lawes, Oaths and Covenants, whereby to compell by penalties or otherwiſe, any perſon to any thing, in or about matters of Faith, Religion, or Gods Worſhip, or to reſtraine any perſon from the profeſſing his Faith, or exerciſe of Religion, according to his Conſcience, in any houſe or place (except ſuch as are, or ſhall be ſet apart for the publique worſhip,) nevertheleſſe the inſtruction or directing of the Nation in a publique way, for the matters of Faith, Worſhip, or Diſcipline (ſo it be not compulſive or expreſſe Popery) is referred to their diſcretion.

2. We do not empower them to impreſſe or conſtraine any perſon to ſerve in Warre either by Sea or Land, every mans conſcience being to be ſatiſfied in the juſtneſſe of that cauſe wherein he hazards his life.

3. That after the diſſolution of this preſent Parliament, none of the people be at any time queſtioned for any thing ſaid or done in reference to the late VVarres, or publique differences, otherwiſe then in execution or purſuance of the determination of the preſent Houſe of Commons, againſt ſuch as have adhered to the King or his intereſt againſt the People: And ſaving that Accomptants for publique moneys received, ſhall remain accomptable for the ſame.

4. That in any Lawes hereafter to be made, no perſon by vertue of any Tenure, Grant, Charter, Pattent, Degree or Birth, ſhall be priviledged from ſubjection thereto, or being bound thereby as well as others.

5. That all priviledges or exemptions of any perſons from the Lawes, or from the ordinary courſe of legall proceedings, by vertue of any Tenure, Grant, Charter, Pattent, Degree or Birth, or of any place of reſidence or refuge, ſhall be henceforth void and null, and the like not to be made nor revived againe.

6. That the Repreſentatives intermeddle not with the execution

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