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The Divorce

in his palm and held it up to his nose and sniffed, whereupon his nostrils and upper lips assumed the color of burned yellow. His nose wrinkled up as if he was about to sneeze.

Chuang Mu-san was now counting the money. His Honor Wei took part of the uncounted pile and handed it to the "old beast." He also exchanged their papers for them, giving back to each party their part of the marriage contract, saying, "Now take good care of them, both of you. And old Mu, be sure to count carefully, for money is no laughing matter."

"Ah-cheoooo!" Ai-ku knew from the noise that His Honor had just sneezed, yet she could not resist the urge to turn around. She saw that his mouth was open, his nose still wrinkled up. He was rubbing the side of his nose with an object which he held between two fingers of one hand: it was "something which the ancients inserted into the anus of the dead at encoffining time."

At last Chuang Mu-san finished counting his money. He put the marriage papers safely away. The tension was gone. Every one relaxed and an atmosphere of peace and harmony reigned in the room.

"Good! The thing is at last satisfactorily finished," His Honor Wei said, noticing that both sides showed a desire to take their leave. "And, er, there isn't anything else, is there? I congratulate you for having brought the thing to an end. Are you going? Don't go yet, wait until you have had a New Year cup with us: it is an occasion that comes only once a year."

"We won't have any now. Wait till next year," Ai-ku replied.

"Thank you. Your Honor. We won't have any now. We have business to attend to," said Chuang Mu-san, the "old