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Amongst the warriors who fought
Fatally against thy country
It may be that one has wakened
In thee gentle thoughts of love.


What meanest thou?


The cruel fate of war
Not all alike embraces,
And then the dauntless warrior
Who leads the host may perish!


What dost thou tell me?


Yes, Radames by thine
Is slaughtered—and canst thou mourn him?


For ever my tears shall flow!


The Gods have wrought thee ven-vengeance.


Celestial favour
To me was ne'er extended.


(Breaking out with violence.)

Tremble! thou art discovered!
Thou lovest him, ne'er deny it.


I love!


Nay, to confound thee
I need but one word; gaze on my visage—
I told thee falsely—Radames liveth!


(Kneeling with rapture.)

He liveth!
Gods, I thank ye!


Dost hope still now deceive me?
Yes, thou lovest him; so e'en do I.

(With her utmost fury.)

Dost hear my words? behold thy rival here
In a Pharaoh's daughter.


(Drawing herself up with pride.)

Thou my rival!
What though it were so?
I too—

(Checking herself, and falling at the feet of Amneris.)

Ah, heed not my words, but spare and pardon!
Ah! on all my anguish sweet pity take,
'Tis true that all else for his love I'd forsake,
While thou art mighty—all joy's thy dower,
Naught save my love have I left in life!


Tremble, slave, would thy heart I saw breaking
On thy mad passion life thou art staking.
Do I not hold thee fast in my power,
While in my breast hate and envy are rife.

(Sounds heard within.)

In the pageant now preparing
Shall a part by thee be taken,
Thou the dust, slave abject, biting.
On the throne while I find room!
Come, this strife with me inviting,
Thou ere long shalt learn thy doom.


Pray thee spare a heart despairing,
Life's to me a void, forsaken;
Live and reign, thy anger blighting
O'er my head no more shall loom;
Soon this love thy hate inviting
Shall be buried in the tomb.