Page:Aids to the Pronunciation of Irish - Christian Brothers.djvu/107

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Aḃa, river, 60,

aḃaċ, dwarf, 60.

aḃainn, dat. of aḃa, 60.

aḃrán, song, 14, 60.

aca, at them, 57.

aḋaint, kindling, 67.

aḋanta, kindled, 67.

aḋarc, a horn, 67.

aḋarcóg, a cornicle, 67.

aḋart, a pillow, 67.

aḋastar, a halter, 67.

aḋḃar, cause, 67 (note).

aḋlacaim, I bury, 67.

aḋmad, timber, 67.

aḋnacaim, I bury, 67.

aḋnaim, I enkindle, 67.

aḋraḋ, adoration, 67.

aḋraim, I adore, 67.

aer, air, 106.

ag, at, 57.

agaiḃ, at ye, 85 (c).

aḋaiġ, face, 67.

againn, at us, 72 (b).

agus, and, 52 (1).

aibiġ, ripe, 85.

aiḃne, rivers, 67.

aiḃneaċa, rivers, 67.

aici, at her, 85 (a).

aige, at him, 85 (a).

aigneaḋ, mind, 85.

aiġneas, argument, 67.

aiġṫe, of a face, 67.

áilne, beauty, 128.

áilneaċt, beauty, 128.

aiṁleas, disadvantage. 52 (6), 67.

aiṁleisceaṁail, lazy, 67.

aimsiġ, procure, aim at, 67.

aimsir, time, weather, 67.

aingeal angel, 84.

ainm, name, 85, 124.

ainnis, a maiden, 85.

air, on, on him, 85 (a).

aire, attention, 85 (b).

airgead, money, 124.

(ar) air, back (adv.), 85.

aiseirġe, resurrection, 52 (6).

aisce, a gift, 85.

aisiog, restitution, 52 (6).

aistear, journey, 84, 85.

ait, funny, 85.

áiteaċa, places, 84.

aiteas, fun, pleasure, 85.

aiṫne, knowledge, 85 (b), 124.

aiṫniġim, I recognise, 144.

aiṫriġe, repentance, 137, 144.

Alba, Scotland, 124.

am, time, 60.

amadán, fool, 58.

amannta, pl. of am, time, 52 (2).

aṁáin, only, 36.

aṁarc, sight, 60.

aṁas, a mercenary, 60.

aṁastar, bark (of a dog), 60.

aṁlaiḋ, thus, 60.

aṁrán, a song, 14, 60.

aṁras, doubt, 60.

amuḋa, astray, 60.

amuiġ, outside, 69 (a).

an, the, 56.

anall, over (to this side), 60.

anḃruiṫ, broth, 52 (6).

anfa, terror, 20 (e).

ann, in it, 60.

annsa, beloved, 60.

annsaċt, dearness, 60.

annsin, there, 55,

annso, here, 55.

annsúd, yonder, 55.