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S 590/2006

(a) has been included in 2 or more security directives issued to different persons (whether or not at the same time); and
(b) is framed in general terms applicable to all persons to whom those security directives are issued.

(3) Before serving any enforcement notice under sub-paragraph (1), the Commissioner shall inform the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore of the security measures to be specified in the enforcement notice, and may take account of any advice given by that Authority with respect to those security measures.

Contents of enforcement notice

12.—(1) An enforcement notice may specify in greater detail the measures which are described in general terms in those provisions of the security directive which impose the general requirements, but may not impose any requirement which could not have been imposed by a security directive under the provision under which the security directive was issued.

(2) An enforcement notice may be framed so as to afford the person on whom it is served a choice between different ways of complying with the specified general requirements of the security directive.

(3) In serving an enforcement notice which relates to a security directive, the Commissioner shall specify in the enforcement notice such period as appears to be reasonably required for taking the measures specified in the enforcement notice; and the enforcement notice shall not take effect before the end of the period so specified.

(4) An enforcement notice requiring a person not to cause or permit anything to be done shall be construed as requiring him to take all such steps as in any particular circumstance are practicable and necessary to prevent that thing from being done.

Offence relating to enforcement notice

13. Any person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with an enforcement notice served on him shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.