Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/108

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that event I might have a chance, sooner or later, of examining his pockets, and finding out if he is still carrying that stolen paper around with him."

"You seem to believe he didn't turn it in to the German Embassy at Washington, from the way you talk."

"I imagine he counts it only a bite," Tom continued, reflectively; "and feels that they would blame him for not securing the entire design while about it. So he keeps the paper on his person, and continues to hope he may yet be able to find the rest—perhaps by robbing me. There may be another way of looking at it though."

"How?" asked Jack, still munching away..

"Adolph Tuessig may have his orders direct from the Wilhelmstrasse headquarters in Berlin. Perhaps he's on his way there now to make his report, and deliver over his finding. If that happens to be the case I hope he never arrives there—that either the British or the French discover his double character, and arrest him."

"What do you suppose they'd do with him, Tom?"

"If the proof of his being a spy could be found he'd be executed without any doubt. That's the way they do things over here these days, Jack."