Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/179

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fore daylight. Their destination was a certain German city where it was known heavy reserves of troops, lately drawn from the Russian front, were being held until they were needed to take the place of war-weary men who had been fighting for long weeks day after day, and would soon need a rest.

"I wish we were going along with the boys," sighed Jack, as they planned to stay up and watch the departure in the moonlight. "I'd like to say I'd been off on one of those raids we've heard so much about. The fact is, Tom, so far I haven't had a first chance to bring down an enemy machine, or even engage in a serious fight."

"Well, if we did go," his chum told him, "I hardly think it would be in Nieuport fighting planes. We're still lacking a little in skill and experience."

"But we could manage a heavy Caudron, you know, and already we've learned how to manipulate the bombs that are to be cut loose. Besides, it would be mighty fine for us to be together, Tom. I'm getting a bit tired of trying to talk with a jolly Frenchman who can't manage much United States, while I'm a pretty lame duck with my French."

Tom smiled. He too felt the same way, and would have liked nothing better than an oppor-