Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/7

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to keep you in focus with my binoculars every minute of the time. Whenever you take a dip my heart will jump right up into my throat, I know. Lieutenant Carson gave you a limit, of course?"

"I'm to keep one eye on my recording barometer, and when it registers a full three thousand feet in height I'm to commence to volplane down. And my instructor is a man whose orders you've got to obey to the letter."

"No trouble for you to do the trick, Tom, because you come of a family of inventors and dabblers in mechanics. It's different with me, for I have to pound things into this dull head of mine. I'll wait around till you drop down again."

"Wish you would, Jack, for I've got something to tell you; news that has been giving me something to worry about."

"I knew that letter you had must have contained bad news, Tom; and I've been waiting to hear you say something about it There! Lieutenant Carson is waving his hand for you to get a move on. I envy you, that's a fact. So-long, Tom."

Another minute, and the airplane in which Tom Raymond sat was trundling along over the even surface of the aviation field, gaining speed as its engine warmed to the work.