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§ 1

endeavouring to lay down complete axioms as to the military future of aircraft of a positive character, or that he pretends to be in a position to formulate a cut-and-dried constructive programme; his intention is rather ta give something in the nature of a lead in the direction in which it appears development may be logically anticipated.

§ 2. The Primary and Secondary Functions of the Aeronautical Arm. It is generally recognised that in its employment in connection with military operations a most valuable property of the flying-machine or aeroplane is its mobility; it is mobile to a degree which can scarcely have been dreamt of in the warfare of the past. When, therefore, we look for uses in co-operation with an army in the field in which the aeroplane may show to advantage, we naturally turn to examine the duties at present fulfilled by the cavalry, hitherto the Arm to be employed wherever mobility is of importance. Thus it is well recognised that one of the main duties for which the cavalry have hitherto been responsible—namely, reconnaissance—is a duty to which aircraft are pre-eminently suited. It is at the outset important to realise that cavalry, in face of the improvements in small arms and artillery,[1] with the advent of the armoured motor-car, and with the greater mobility of the main bodies of troops in modern warfare, have been finding the difficulties of effective reconnaissance continually on the increase. It is stated by one of the greatest authorities on the subject that of the reports, sent in by cavalry patrols not more than 1 per cent, are of any use to the commanding officer, usually owing to events having anticipated the receipt of the information; in other words, the whole process of tactical recon-

  1. Not to mention entanglements of barbed wire.