Page:Alabama State Constitution of 1901.djvu/20

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its credit, or to grant public money or thing of value in aid of, or to any individual, association, or corporation whatsoever, or to become a stockholder in any such corporation, association, or company, by issuing bonds or otherwise.

95. There can be no law of this State impairing the obligation of contracts by destroying or impairing the remedy for their enforcement; and the Legislature shall have no power to revive any right or remedy which may have become barred by lapse of time, or by any statute of this State. After suit has been commenced on any cause of action, the Legislature shall have no power to take away such cause of action, or destroy any existing defense to such suit.

96. The Legislature shall not enact any law not applicable to all the counties in the State, regulating costs and charges of courts, or fees, commissions or allowances of public officers.

97. The Legislature shall not authorize payment to any person of the salary of a deceased officer beyond the date of his death.

98. The Legislature shall not retire any officer on pay, or part pay, or make any grant to such retiring officer.

99. Lands belonging to or under the control of the State shall never be donated, directly or indirectly, to private corporations, associations, or individuals, or railroad companies; nor shall such lands be sold to corporations or associations for a less price than that for which they are subject to sale to individuals; provided, that nothing contained in this section shall prevent the Legislature from granting a right of way, not exceeding one hundred and twenty-five feet in width, as a mere easement, for railroads or telegraph or telephone lines across State land, and the Legislature shall never dispose of the land covered by such right of way except subject to such easement.

100. No obligation or liability of any person, association, or corporation held or owned by this State, or by any county or other municipality thereof, shall ever be remitted, released, or postponed, or in any way diminished, by the Legislature; nor shall such liability or obligation be extinguished except by payment thereof; nor shall such liability or obligation be exchanged or transferred except upon payment of its face value; provided, that this section shall not prevent the Legislature from providing by general law for the compromise of doubtful claims.

101. No State or county official shall, at any time during his term of office, accept, either directly or indirectly, any fee, money, office, appointment, employment, reward, or thing of value, or of personal advantage, or the promise thereof, to lobby for or against any measure pending before the Legislature, or to give or withhold his influence to secure the passage or defeat of any such measure.

102. The Legislature shall never pass any law to authorize or legalize any marriage between any white person and a negro, or descendant of a negro.