Page:Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp.djvu/192

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be thou hasty in thine anger, for that I am excusable in that which thou hast seen from me.[1] Do but hearken what hath betided me and I am well assured that, whenas thou hearest my story of that which hath happened to me these two nights past, thou wilt excuse me and Thy Grace will be moved to compassion upon me, as I know from thy love for me.”[2] Then she acquainted him with all that had befallen her and said to him, “O my father, an thou believe me not, ask my bridegroom and he will resolve Thy Grace of everything, albeit I know not what they did with him, when they took him from my side, nor where they set him.” When[3] the Sultan heard his daughter’s story, he was sore concerned and his eyes brimmed with tears; then, sheathing the sword and coming up to her, he kissed her and said to her, “O my daughter, why didst thou not tell me yesterday, so I might have warded off from thee the torment and affright which have befallen thee this night? But no matter; arise and put away from thee this thought, and to-night I will set over thee those who shall guard thee, so there shall not again befall thee that which befell yesternight.” Then

  1. i.e. “in my behaviour to thee.”
  2. Kema akedu min mehebbetika li. Burton, “even as I claim of thee affection for thy child.”
  3. Night DLV.