Page:Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp.djvu/281

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whereby he delivered us from him. Now, except my husband had won to us, it was the accursed one’s intent to go in to me perforce; but Alaeddin, my husband, gave me a powder, the which I put for him in a cup of wine and gave it him to drink. So he drank it and fell back as one dead; whereupon my husband Alaeddin came in to me and meknoweth not how he wrought, so that he transported us back from the land of Africa to our place here.” And Alaeddin said to the Sultan, “O my lord, when I came up and saw him cast down like one slain and sleeping for the henbane, I said to the Lady Bedrulbudour, ‘Go in, thou and thy women, to the inner pavilion.’ So she arose and went in, she and her damsels, from that loathsome sight; whilst I went up to the accursed Maugrabin and putting my hand to his sleeve, pulled out the lamp, for that the Lady Bedrulbudour had told me he still carried it there. Then, when I had gotten it, I drew my sword and cut [off] the accursed’s [head] and making use of the lamp, bade its servants take us up, with the palace and all that was therein, and set us down here in our place. And if Thy Grace be in doubt of my words, do thou come with me and see the accursed Maugrabin.”

So the King arose and going in with Alaeddin to the pavilion, saw the Maugrabin [lying dead]; whereupon