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ciall, sense, understanding, Ir., O. Ir. ciall, W. pwyll, Cor. pull, Br. poell, *qeislâ: I. E. qei, observe, see, shine; Gr. πινυτός, wise; Skr. cetati, perceive, cittam, thought, cinōti, discover; further Ger. heiter, clear.

ciamhair, sad (Sh., Arm.), Ir. ciamhair, ciamhaire (O'Cl., O'Br.):

cian, remote, so Ir., O. Ir. cían, *keino-; from the pronominal root kei, there, Gr. κε̂ινος, ille, Lat. cis, citra, Eng. he. Others have referred it to root qei, qi, Skr. ciras, long, Got. hveila, time, Eng. while. Hence cianail, sad, lonesome, Ir. cianamhuil.

cianog, a small measure of arable land (Heb.: H.S.D.); see cionag.

ciar, dusky, Ir., E. Ir. cíar, *keiro-s, "shadowy"; root sqhei, Gr. σκιερός, shady, σκιά, shadow, Skr. châyā́, shadow, Ag. S. scimo (do.). It has been compared to Eng. hoar, Norse hárr, but the vowels do not suit.

cias, g. ceòis, border, skirt, fringe:

ciatach, ciatfach, elegant, becoming, Ir. céadfadhach, discreet, belonging to the senses; from ceudfadh, q.v.

cibein, rump (of a bird, M'D.), Ir. cibín, the rump (Con.). Cf. Ir. giob, a tail.

cìbeir, a shepherd; from Sc., Eng. keeper.

cibhearg, a rag, a little ragged woman (Sh.):

cidhis, a mask, vizard (M'D.), luchd cidhis, masqueraders; from Sc. gyis, a mask, gysars, masqueraders, M. Eng. gīsen, to dress, Eng. guise, disguise; all from O. Fr. guise, modus, desguiser, disguise. The Sc. was directly borrowed in the Stuart period.

cigil, tickle (Sh.); see ciogail.

cìleag, a diminutive, weakly person (Arg.):

cìlean, a large codfish; from Norse keila, gadus longus or "long cod". Also cilig (Sutherland).

cill, a church; locative case of ceall, q.v., used for the most part in place-names.

cillein, a concealed heap, repository, Ir. cillín, a purse or store of hoarded cash (O'B.), dim of ceall, cell, church, q.v.

cineal offspring, clan, Ir. cineul, O. Ir. cenél, W. cenedl, O. W. cenetl, Corl kinethel, *kenetlo-n: I. E. qen, begin; Gr. kainós, new (κανjός); Lat. re-cens, Eng. recent; Ch. Sl. koni, beginning; Skr. kaná, young.

cinn, grow, increase, spring from, Ir., E. Ir. cinim, spring from, descend of; root qen of cineal, q.v. Also cinnich, grow, increase.

cinneadh, cinne, tribe, clan, Ir. cineadh, cine, E. Ir. ciniud (g. cineda); from root qen in cineal, q.v. Hence cinnich, gentiles, Ir. cineadhach, a gentile.