Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/224

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eisir, eisiridh, oyster, Ir. eisir, oisre; from M. Eng. oistre, from Lat. ostrea.

eisleach, the withe that ties the tail-beam to the pack-saddle, crupper:

éislean, grief: *an-slàn; cf. Ir. eislinn, weak, E. Ir. eslinn (do.): *ex-slàn; see slàn.

eislinn, boards on which the corpse is laid, a shroud (H.S.D., from MSS.; M'E.):

eite, unhusked ear of corn (M'E.):

éite, éiteadh, stretching, extending:

eiteach, burnt roots of heath:

éiteag, white pebble, precious stone; from Eng. hectic, lapis hecticus, the white hectic stone, used as a remedy against dysentery and diarrhœa (Martin, West Isles, 134). See eitig.

eitean, a kernel, grain, Ir. eitne eithne, E. Ir. eitne (n.).

eithich, false, perjured, Ir. eitheach, a lie, perjury, O. Ir. ethech, perjurium; root pet, fall? Cf. Ir. di-thech, denial on oath, for-tach, admission on oath, di-tongar i. séntar, fortoing, proved by oath: *tongô, swear. See freiteach for root.

eitich, refuse, Ir. eitighim. For root, etc., see under freiteach.

éitigh, fierce, dismal, O. Ir. étig, turpe, adétche, abomination. Scarcely *an-teg-, "un-wonted, un-house-like" (Zim.), for G. would be éidigh. This Stokes (Bez. Beit 21) makes *an-teki-s, not fair, W. têg, fair, Gr. τίκτω, produce, τέκνον, child, Eng. thing. Still G. should be éidigh.

eith, go (Sutherland), dh'eithinn, would go, Ir. eathaim, E. Ir. ethaim, *itâô; root ei, i; Lat. ire, itum; Gr. εἶμι, etc.

eitig, consumption; from Sc. etick, from Fr. étique, hectique, Eng. hectic.

eitreach, storm, sorrow: *aith-ter-? See tuirse.

eòisle, a charm; a metathesis of eòlas.

eòl, eòlas, knowledge, Ir. eól, eolas, E. Ir. eólas, O. Ir. heulas, d-eulus: *ivo-lestu?

eòrna, barley, Ir. eórna, E. Ir. eorna, *jevo-rnio-, *jevo-; Gr. ζειά, spelt; Skr. yáva, corn, barley; Lit. jawai, corn.

eothanachadh, languishing (H.S.D. gives it as Dial.; M'E.); see feodhaich.

eu-, negative prefix, Ir. ea-, éu-, O. Ir. é-. It stands for an- before c, t, p, and s. See an-.

eucail, disease: an+cáil, q.v.

euchd, a feat, exploit, Ir. éachd, feat, covenant, condition; E. Ir. écht, murder, slaughter, from éc (St.).

euchdag, a fair maid, a charmer: "featsome one", from euchd.

eud, jealousy, zeal, Ir. éad, O. Ir. ét, W. addiant (= add-iant), longing, regret, Gaul. iantu- in Iantumarus, *jantu-; Skr.