Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/269

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godsag, a titbit:

gog, a nod, tossing of the head, Ir. gog; from Eng. cock. godadh (Arg.).

gogaid, a giddy female, Ir. gogaide; from Eng., Fr. coquette.

gogail, cackling, noise of liquor issuing from a cask, Ir. gogallach; Eng. cackle. The words are onomatopoetic. Also goglais.

gogan, a wooden milk-pail, also cogan; from Sc. cogue, cog, apparently allied to M. Eng. cog, ship, Norse kuggi, a small ship, Teutonic kuggon-, ship.

goic, a tossing of the head in disdain, a scoff, Ir. goic; founded on the Eng. cock, like gog, q.v.

goid, steal, Ir. goidim, E. Ir. gataim: *gad-dô, root gad, ꬶhad, ꬶhed, seize; Gr. χανδάνω, ἔχαδον, hold, contain; Lat. prehendo, seize; praeda, booty, hedra, ivy; Eng. get. Thur. has compared the Lat. hasta, spear, giving a stem *ghazdho-.

goigean, a bit of fat meat, cluster, thread tangle or kink; cf. gagan: *gaggo-; cf. Gr. γαγγλίον, ganglion, a "knot", Eng. kink.

goil, boil, Ir. gailim, seethe, boil: *gali-; I. E. ꬶel, well, Ger. quellen, gush. See next.

goile, a stomach, appetite, Ir. goile, gaile, stomach, appetite, throat, M. Ir. gaile; also O. Ir. gelim, I consume; Lat. gula, throat (Eng. gullet), glutire, swallow (Eng. glutton); Skr. gilati, swallow; I. E. ꬶel, allied to root of goil.

gòileag, a haycock, cole; from the Sc. gole, Eng. coll.

goileam, tattle, chattering, also gothlam (l=le); see gothlam.

goileam, fire (kindling) (Carm.):

goill, distorted face, angry face, grin, blubber lipl cf. Ir. gailleóg, a blow on the cheek, G. gailleag. Cf. for root Gr. χεῖλος, lip, *χεσλος = Skr. ghas, eat, swallow.

goillir, a Lewis bird of the size of the swallow, which comes to land in winter (Arms.):

goimh, anguish, pain, Ir. goimh: *gomi-, root gom, gem, press, Lat. gemo, groan, Ch. Sl. żimą, compress.

goin, gointe; see gon.

goir, call, cry, crow, Ir. goirim, E. Ir. gairim, O. Ir. adgaur, convenio: *garô, speak, I. E. ꬶer, cry; Gr. γέρανος, crane, δειριᾶν, abuse; Skr. járate, cry, crackle; further Lat. garrio, chatter (*gars-); Eng. garrulous, Lit. garsas, noise; also root gâr, as in Gaelic gàir, Gr. γῆρυς, voice, etc.

goireas, convenience, apparatus; from gar, near, and goirid.

goirid, short, Ir. gairid, O. Ir. garit. For root, see geàrr (Skr. hrasva, short, etc.), from which comes the comparative giorra. Also gar, near, q.v.