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lon, prattle, forwardness, Ir. lonaigh, a scoff, jest, W. llon, cheerful: *luno-, root lu, lav, enjoy, win, W. llawen, merry; Gr. ἀπολαúω, enjoy; Got. laun, reward. See further under luach. làn-aighear, boisterous mirth (Wh.)?

long, a ship Ir. long, E. Ir. long, vessel (vas), ship W. llong, ship: *longâ; Norse lung, ship (Bez.); cf. Lat. lagena, flagon (Stokes). Usually supposed to be borrowed from Lat. (navis) longa, war ship. Cf. Ptolemy's River Lόγγος, the Norse Skipafjörðr, now Loch Long. *plugnâ? Eng. fly?

longadh, a diet, so Ir. E. Ir. longad, eating; a side form of slug, which see for root.

longphort, harbour, camp, palace, Ir. longphort (do.); from long + port. Hence lùchairt, palace; longart, lunkart, in placenames.

lonn, timber put under a boat for launching it; from Norse hlunnr, a roller for launching ships.

lonn, anger, fierce, strong, Ir. lonn, O. Ir. lond, wild. Stokes (Zeit.30, 557) doubtfully suggests connection with Skr. randhayati, destroy, torment.

lonnrach, glittering, so Ir.; cf. loinnir. lònrach, well fed (Hend.).

lòpan, soft, muddy place (Suth.): see làban.

lorc, shank (Carm.):

lorg, a staff, Ir., E. Ir. lorg, Cor. lorc'h, baculus, Br. lorc'hen, temo: *lorgo-, Norse lurkr, a cudgel (Bez., Cam.).

lorg, track, footstep, Ir., E. Ir. lorg, O. Ir. lorc, trames, lorgarecht, indago, W. llyr, course duct, Cor. lergh, lerch Br. lerc'h, track: *lorgo-. Bez. compares L.Ger. lurken, creep. Rhys adds W. llwrw, direction (Manx Pray.2, 127).

los, purpose, sake, Ir., E. Ir. los sake, behalf, part, M. Ir. los, growth; a los, "about to" (Wh.); in doghran losleathan, beaver (ooter of broad tail), Ir. los, tail, end (O'Cl), W. llost, Br. lost, *losto-, lostâ:

losaid, a kneading trough, Ir. losad, E. Ir. lossat: *lossantâ, *lok-s-, root lok, lek; Gr. λέκος, a dish, pot; Lit lekmenė, a puddle; Lat. lanx, dish.

losgadh, a burning, Ir. loscadh, E. Ir. loscud, W. llosg, urere, Cor. losc (n.) Br. losk: *loskô, I burn, *lopskô, root, lop, lap; Gr. λάμπω, shine; O.Pruss. lopis flame, Lett. lapa, pine-torch (Stokes). See lasair, to whose root it is usually referred.

losgann, a toad, Ir. loscain, E. Ir. loscann; from losg above, so named from the acrid secretions of its skin.

lot, wound, so Ir., E. Ir. lot, damage, loitim, laedo: *lottô, *lut-to-, root lut, lu, cut; Skr. lû-, cut; Gr. λúω, loose; Eng. loss, lose; Pruss. au-laut, die. Stokes refers it to a stem *lud-nó-,