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masgul, flattery:

masladh, disgrace, Ir. masla, masladh, despite, shame, disgrace:

math, good, Ir. math; see maith. This is the commonest form in G., the only Northern Dialect form.

math, forgive: see maith.

mathaich, manure land; from math?

màthair, mother, Ir. máthair, O. Ir. máthir, W. modryb, dame, aunt, O. Br. motrep, aunt: *mâtêr; Lat. mâter; Gr. μήτηρ, Dor. mátcr (a long); Norse móðir, Eng. mother; Skr. mâtâr.

mathghamhuin, a bear, Ir. mathghamhuin, E. Ir. mathgaman, from math- and gamhainn; with math, bear (?), cf. W. madawg, fox, and possibly the Gaul. names Matu-genos, Matuus, Teuto-matus, etc.

meacan, a root, bulb, Ir. meacan, any top-rooted plant, O. Ir. meccun, mecon, Gr. μήκων, poppy; O. H. G. mági, Ger. mohn; Ch. Sl. maku: *mekkon-, root mek, mak of mac?

meachainn, mercy, an abatement, meachair, soft, tender, meachran, hospitable person, Ir. meach, hospitality:

meadar, a wooden pail or vessel, Ir. meadar, a hollowed-out drinking vessel, churn, M. Ir. metur; from Lat. metrun, measure, metre, meter.

meadar, verse, metre; for root, etc., see above word.

meadhail, joy; see meadhrach.

meadh-bhlàth, luke-warm: "mid-warm"; O. Ir. mid-, mid-, root med, medh, as in next.

meadhon, the middle, so Ir., O. Ir. medón, im-medón, M.W. ymeun, W. mewn, within, Br. y meton, amidst; cf. for form and root Lat. mediânum, the middle, Eng. mean, further Lat. medius, middle; Gr. μέσος; Eng. middle; etc.

meadhrach, glad, joyous, Ir. meadhair, mirth, meadhrach, joyous, E. Ir. medrach: *medro-; Skr. mad, rejoice, be joyful, máda, hilarity. But medu, ale?

mèag, whey, Ir. meadhg, E. Ir. medg, W. maidd (*meðjo-), Cor. maith, O. Br. meid, Gallo-Lat. mesga, whey, whence Fr. mègue: *mezgâ, whey; O.Slav. mozgu, succus, marrow (Thurneysen), to which Brugmann adds O. H. G. marg, marrow (Eng. marrow), Lit. mazgoti, wash, Lat. mergo, merge.

meaghal, barking, mewing, alarm; see miamhail.

meal, possess, enjoy, Ir. mealadh (n.), M. Ir. melaim, I enjoy: possibly from the root mel, mal, soft, as in mealbhag. Cf. O. Ir. meldach, pleasant, Eng. mild.

mealasg, flattery, fawning, great rejoicing; see miolasg.

mealbhag, corn poppy; cf. Lat. malva, mallow, whence Eng. mallow; Gr. μαλάχη, root mal, mel, soft, "emollient", Gr. μαλακός, soft, Lat. mulcere.