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onfhadh, a blast, storm, raging of the sea, Ir. anfadh, E. Ir. anfud, for an-feth, "excess-wind", feth, aura; root , ven, blow; Skr. vā́ta, wind; Gr. ἄημι, blow, ἀήρ, Lat. aer, Eng. air; Lit. vėjas, wind; further Lat. ventus and Eng. wind.

onnchon, a standard (M'F., O'B.), so Ir., also Ir. onchú, leopard, E. Ir. onchú, banner, leopard; the idea of "leopard" is the primary one. From Fr. onceau, once, Eng. ounce, leopard.

onoir, respect, honour, Ir. onóir, E. Ir. onóir, onoir: from Lat. honor.

ònrachd, solitude, Ir. aonarachd; from aonar, aon.

òr, gold, Ir., O. Ir. ór, W. aur, Cor. our, Br. aour; from Lat. aurum.

òr-, prefix air, oir, confused often with the prefix òr-, gold; e.g. òrbheart, good (golden!) deed, which is for oirbheart (see oir-).

òrag, sheaf of corn (H.S.D.), orag (M'F., Arm.):

oragan, an organ, Ir., M. Ir. orgán, E. Ir. organ, W. organ; from Lat. organum, Eng. organ.

òraid, a speech, Ir. óraid, prayer, oration, E. Ir. orait, prayer, orate; from Lat. orate, pray ye, oratio, speech.

òran, a song; this is for *auran, from the correct and still existing form amhran, Ir. amhrán, M. Ir. ambrán, Manx arrane; from amb, i.e. mu, about, and rann? Ir. amhar, E. Ir. amor, music. Cf. Ir. amhra, eulogy, especially in verse. Cf. amra (Cholumcille), panegyric.

orair, a porch (orrar, M'D.): "front", from air- or ar- and air, a reduplication really of air, "on-before".

òrais, a tumultuous noise (H.S.D. from MSS.):

òrd, a hammer, Ir., M. Ir. ord, O. Ir. ordd, W. gordd, O.Cor. ord, Br. orz, horz, Gallo.Brit. Ordo-vices(?): *ordo-s, *urdo-s, root verdh, urdh, raise, increase, whence or allied are Gr. ὀρθός, Lat. arduus, G. àrd, etc.; especially Skr. vardhate, raise, increase, grow. See òrdag. Thur. thinks it perhaps possible that Romance urtare, hit, thrust, Fr. heurter, Eng. hurt, are hence, and Ascoli that Fr. ortail, big toe (orddu = ortu), is from òrd, the basis of òrdag, q.v.

òrd, a mountain of rounded form (topographical only); from above.

òrdag, thumb, Ir. ordóg, O. Ir. orddu, g. ordan: *ordôs, *urdôs; same root as òrd above.

òrdugh, order, Ir. ord, ordughadh, O. Ir. ord, ordaad, ordination, W. urdd, urddawd, ordaining, Br. urz; from Lat. ordo.

organ, organ; see oragan.