Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/420

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sugan, corra-shugain, the reflection of rays of light from any moving luminous body from the roof or wall of a house:

sùgan, a rope of twisted straw, Ir. súgán, suagan, straw or hay rope, suag, a rope (O'R.): *souggo-, root soug of suaineadh, q.v. Hence suigean, a cirle of straw ropes in which grain is kept in a barn.

sùgh, juice, sap, also (as vb.) drain, suck up, Ir. súgh, súghaim, E. Ir. súgim: *sûgô, suck, *sûgo-, juice; Lat. sûgô, suck; Ag. S. sûcan, Eng. suck, soak. W. has sug, juice, sugno, suck. súg, súch, W. sug, from Lat. sucus (Stokes).

sùgh, a wave (A.M'D.), motion of the waves (H.S.D.); root sup, swing, Lit. sùpti, swing, Lat. dissipo, scatter?

sùicean, a gag for a calf; founded on sùg, Sc. sook.

suidh, sit, suidhe, a seat, sitting, Ir. suidhim, E. Ir. suidim, sudim, O. Ir. suidigur, suide, a seat: *sodeiô, *sodio-n, root sed, sod, W. seddu, sedd, Br. azeza, sit; Lat. sedeo; Gr. ἕζομαι, ἕδος, a seat; Eng. sit, seat; Lit. sėdėti; Skr. sádati, sā́dati, sit, set.

sùil, eye, Ir., O. Ir. súil: *sûli-s, allied to *sâvali-s, sun, W. haul, heul, sun, Cor. heuul, Br. heaul; Lat. sôl, sun; Gr. ἡλιος, (= sāvélios), sun; Got. sauil, sun; Lit. sáule (do.).

suilbh, cheer, hospitality, geniality: *su-lubi-, root lubh, please, love, Lat. libet, Eng. love. It influences the meaning of suilbhir, originally "eloquent".

suilbhir, cheerful, so Ir., M. Ir. suilbir, O. Ir. sulbir, eloquence, E.W. helabar, now hylafar, eloquence: from su- or so- and labhair, speak: "easy-spoken".

suim, a sum, Ir. suim, W. sum, M. Eng. summe; from Lat. summa, sum, chief.

suim, attention, respect, Ir. suim; a metaphoric use of suim, sum (Dr Cameron).

suipeir, a supper, Ir. suipéir; from the Eng.

suire, a maid, nymph, Ir. súire (O'Cl.), a siren (suire, O'B., Lh., etc., mermaids); from Lat. siren, with leaning on suirghe, courtship? Teh word is doubtful Gaelic; H.S.D. finds only an Ossian Ballad to quote.

suiridhe, a courting, suiridheach (better suirtheach or suireach, M'A.), a wooer, so Ir., also surighim, I woo, M. Ir. suirge, wooing, suirgech, procus: *su-reg-, root reg, direct, etc.?

sùist, a flail, Ir. suist(e), M. Ir. sust, suiste, W. ffust, N. thust, sust, flail; from Lat. fustis, club.

sùith, soot, Ir. súithche, M. Ir. suithe, O. Ir. suidi, fuligine, W. huddugl (cf. hudd, dark), Br. huzel (Fr. suie): *sodio-, root sed, sit, settle; Eng. soot, Ag. S. sót, Norse sót. Doubtful.