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ailt, stately, high; Ir. ailt, Lat. altus, àilt (H.S.D.).

aim-, aimh-, privative prefix; see am-, amh-. See its use in aimhleas (=am-leas), hurt, aimhrea, aimhreidh, confusion (=am-réidh), aimbeart, distress, etc. (=am-bert). The vowel in the root is "small", and hence affects the a of am.

aimheal, grief, Ir. aithmhéal, repentance; aith+méala, grief, E. Ir. méla, sorrow, reproach; *meblo-, a shorter form of O. Ir. mebul, dedecus; Gr. μέμφομαι

aimhfheoil, ainfheoil, proud flesh; from aimh- and feòil, q.v.

aimlisg, confusion, mischief:

aimrid, barren, so Ir., M. Ir. immrit, barren, E. Ir. amrit; am-ber-ent-, "non-producing"; root ber of beir?

aimsichte, bold (Arms.); am-meas-ichte, "un-mannerly"? See meas.

aimsir, time, so Ir.; O. Ir. amser, W. amser, Br. amzer, possibly a Celtic ammesserâ; either a compound of am, time (ammensîrâ, from sír, long?), or amb-mensura, root mens, measure, Lat. mensus, Eng. measure. Ascoli and Stokes give the Celtic as ád-messera, from ad-mensura.

aimsith, missing of aim, mischance: am-mis-ith, Gaelic root mis of eirmis, q.v.

àin, heat (Dict.), light (H. M'Lean), O. Ir. áne, fulgor, from án, splendidus, latter a Celtic āno-s; Got. fôn, fire (from pân); Pruss. panno. Stokes suggests rather *agno-s, allied to Lat. ignis, Skr. agní, fire.

ain-, privative prefix; see an-.

ainbhtheach, stormy, M. Ir. ainbthech, *an-feth-ech, Gaelic root feth, breeze, from vet, Eng. weather, Lat. ventus, etc. See anfadh.

ainbi, ainbith, odd, unusual: an-bith, "un-world-like". See bith.

aincheas, doubt, M. Ir. ainches, E. Ir. ances, dubium.

ainchis, a curse, rage, Ir. aingeis, E. Ir. aingcess, ánces, curse, anguish; an+geas, q.v., or Lat. angustia?

aineamh, flaw, so Ir., E. Ir. anim, W. anaf, blemish, O. Br. anamon, mendæ; Gr. ὄvοναι, blame

àinean, a liver, liver of fish (N.H.); see adha.

àineartaich, yawning (aineartaich, M'A.); see àinich below.

aineas, passion, fury; an-theas, from teas, heat.

aingeal, angel, so Ir., O. Ir. angel, W. angel, Br. ael; from Lat. angelus, whence also the Eng.

aingeal, light, fire, Manx ainle, Ir. aingeal (Lh., O'B.), M. Ir. aingel, sparkling: *pangelos, Ger. funke, M.E. funke; further ong, fire, hearth; LIt anglis, coal, Skr. añgâra, glowing coal; I. E. ongli, ongôl; allied is I. E. ognis, fire, Lat. ignis. See