Page:Alexander and Dindimus (Skeat 1878).djvu/68

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But he hereþ euery haþel þat hertely biddeþ,
& wiþ mekenesse of minde · minegeþ his nede.
Godus worþliche[1] word · as we wel trowen,
616God's Word is the Son of Man. Is sone soþliche of man · þat in him-silf dwelleþ,
By which molde is y-maad · & man vp-on erþe,
& al þat weihes in þis word · scholde wiþ fare;
Al bestus þer-by · þat lif bere mowe,
620All are sustained by Him. Ben soþliche i-sustained · as him-slif likus;
Þat ilke worþliche word · we worschipen alle,
& hit lelliche louen · as our lif likus.
God is a Spirit. God is spedful in speche · & a spryt clene,
624Boþe blessed & blyþe · þat blendeþ alle sorwe.
He clameþ nought but clennesse · & clepeþ to [h]is ioie
Clene-minded men · þat meke ben founde.
Ye are all fools, Where-fore we holde ȝou folk · folus echone,
628Þat ȝe ne leuen in þat lord · þat lengeþ in blisse,
& lede clanly ȝour lif · & no luþur wirche,
As ȝe haþ of us herd · holly þe dedus.
and live in lust. But ȝe in lechoures lust · al ȝour lif spende,
632And serue sory idolus · þat ȝou in sinne brynge.
Wiþ oþur folies fale · ȝe foulen ȝour soulen;
After death ye will suffer pain & so ȝe duren in ȝour dede · til ȝe ded worþeþ.
Þanne schulle ȝe[2] for ȝour sinne · soffre paine.
636For ȝe[3] unclene bi cleped · & cleuen in ȝour sinne.
Þere may ȝow borewen of bale · no bost no no pride,
No no god þat ȝe giuen · to ȝour godus falce,
No sacrifice of beasts will help ypu No no sory sacrifice · þat ȝe so maken
640Wiþ any bestene blod · þat euire burn schadde.

propter bona opera et orationis eloquium moueatur? Ex eo audit deus hominem propter verbum, quia ex verbo deo similes efficimur; deus verbum est, et ex hoc verbo omnia viuunt permanent et consistunt; nos hoc verbum semper amamus et hoc etiam veneramur. Qua propter reputamus te nimium infelicem, quia credis naturam deorum vel cum diis communicationem habere, cum ad deum fornicatione et idolorum seruitute quottidie sordides; cum hec facis, hec amas, et post mortem inde tormenta innumerabilia sustinebis. Nos vero contraria facimus et amamus, vt post mortem diuina gloria potiamur. Tu non seruis vni

  1. MS. 'wordliche'; see l. 621.
  2. MS. 'sclulle we'
  3. Ms. 'we'