Page:Alexander and Dindimus (Skeat 1878).djvu/81

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to Alexander greeting. To emperour alixandre · egrest of princes,
Þat is grymmest y-growe · & grettest[1] of princes,
Ioie graiþus wiþ grace · & gretinge of mouþe,
As to þe kiddeste y-core · þat corone weldus!
979We do þe namkouþe king · to kenne & to here,
We do not always live in this world. Þat in þis wastinge word · we ne wone nouht euere;
For erþe is nouht our eritage · þat euere schal laste,
Ne we ben nouht ibor · to abide þer-inne.
But we ben pore pilegrimus · put in þis worde,
984For we by destene of dome · schulle deþ þolie;
Þanne schulle we hie to þe hous · þat hie is in blysse,
& karre to oure kinus nie · to kenne of oure fare,
& karre to oure kinus nie · to kenne of oure fare.
We are pilgrims on earth. We ben of-set wiþ no sinne · for vnsely godus,
988Ne we sitte in no sete · þere sinne is y-hanteþ.
But for oure kinde consience · þat kenneþ vs to goode,
We wonde wikkede werk · & wende fro skaþe.
We ne sain noukt, king, be þou sur · for sake of our pride,
992It is not pride or envy that makes us such as we are. Þat we bolde godus ben · burnus to gie,
No enuye to hem han · ne hate in þis worde.
For we ne giue vs to no gilt · þat scholde god wraþe,
Ne nouht nien him her · by niht no by day.
996God mae men of many kinds. God, þat alle gomus schop · & alle gode þingus,
Made here vp-on molde · many manere choisus;
For maad mihte hit nouht be · þere men scholde dwelle
Wiþ-oute diuerce dedus · of many done þingus.
1000He who avoids evil. But al þat badde is for a burn · here abouen erþe,
Huo so haþ chaunce to echue · & chese þe betture—
[Fol. 215] As men han wit for to wite · þe wikke & þe gode—
He may nouht claime to be cleped · clene god of mihte,

habitamus in hoc seculo perpetuo moraturi, sed sicut perigrinantes, quia morte super-veniente pergimus ad alias regiones vel mansiones, nec manemus in perpetuis tabernaculis in hoc mundo. Nullum furtum facimus et pro nostra conscientia in punlicum eximus. Non reputamus nos esse deos nec contra deum inuidia concitamur. Deus qui omnia creauit in mundo multas rerum varietates constituit, qui dedit homini liberum arbitrium vt de omnibus que sunt in mundo discernat prouideat. Qui ergo omnia dimiserit et secutus fuerit

  1. MS. 'greftest'