Page:Algebra, with Arithmetic and mensuration, from the Sanscrit.djvu/99

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which contains a solid cubit, is a c'harí of Magad'ha[1] as it is denominated in science.

8. A dróná is the sixteenth part of a chart; an ád͏̀'haca is a quarter of a drbna ; a. pros f ha is a fourth part of an ád͏̀'haca; and a cud͏̀aba[2] is by the ancients[3] termed a quarter of a prast'ha[4]

The rest of the axioms, relative to time[5] and so forth, are familiarly known.[6]

  1. The country or province situated on the Sonebhadra river. — Gan. It is South Bihar. See, concerning other c'hdri measures, a note on § 236.
  2. In the Cutapa, the depth is a finger and a half; the length and breadth, each, three.' Seid'hara a'cha'rta cited by Ganga'd'hara and Su'ryada'sa. ' The cutapa or ctidaba is a wooden measure containing 13 J cihc angulas ; thepr<ut'/ia, (four times as many) 54; the ffd'haca, 2] 6; the droiia, 864; the c'h&ri, 13824.'— Gang, and Su'r. See As. Res. vol. 5, p. 102.
  3. By Sri'd'hara and the rest. Sun.
  4. Another stanza, (an eighth, on the subject of weights and measures,) occurs in one copy of the text; and that number is indicated in the Manoranjana. But the commentaries of Ganesa and Su'ryada'sa specify seven, and Ganga'd'hara alone expounds the additional stanza. It is therefore to be rejected as spurious, and interpolated : not being found in other copies of the text. The subject of it is the mana (mati) of forty setas (ser) ; which, as a measure of com by weight, is ascribed to the Turushcas or Muhammedans of India ; the people of Yacana-desa, as the commentator terms them. "The séta<r8> is here reckoned at twice seven tancas, each equal to three-fourths oia. gadydnaca: and a mana, at forty setas. The name is in use among the Turushcas, for a weight of com and like articles." See notes on § 97 and 236.
  5. The author has himself explained the measures of time in the astronomical part of his treatise. (Sidd'hánta-śiromańi}}, S 16-18.) Gang, and Su'r.
  6. Concerning weights and measures, see Gańitra-sára of Śríd'hara, §4 — 8; and Prǐt'húaca sitamiChAturv^da on Brahmegupta's arithmetic, § lO-U.