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A Libell of

nor clenſed them: And the ſame daie I departed thence, my Shippes were all foule with Barnacles, our Admirall and the reſt of our Shippes haue the like impediment, but no great hinderance vnto us for ought I could perceiue by our enemies: It is manifeſt what advantage they had of vs, and by no meanes was it poſsible for vs to take them, vnleſſe wee could have come to deale with them with fire and ſworde, Nevertheleſſe they left vs one good ſhip behind for our ſhare, welmanned, which tolde me that the Drake dyed in Nombre de Dios, and that they have made for Generall of the Engliſh fleete, the Colonell Quebraran, and alſo by meanes of the ſmall time being ſtreightly followed by vs theyhad