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A Libell of

taunt in the abſence of the Right Honourable the Earle of Priego. Giue licenſe to Roderigo de Cabriera to Imprint the Relation of the death of Fraunces Drake, which onely he may doe for two Monthes, and no other to Imprint the ſame within the ſaide terme, vpon paine of ten thousand Marauedis for his Maieſties Chamber. Giuen in Cyuill the 15. of May. 1596.

The Licenciat Don Iohn Bermudes of


By his Aſsigne Gregorie
Gutierrez Notarie.

THis letter of the Generall Don Bernaldino ſent into Spaine declaring the death of Sir Fraunces Drake and their ſuppoſed victorie; was altogether receiued for an vndoubted truth, and ſopleaſing