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A Libell of

many manifeſt and impudent lies, neither doe I thinke that Signior Bernaldino will ſay that he ſaw all that he hath written, be it ſpoken in councell for ſhaming the General, for is there any man ſo voide of reaſon as to thinke? That any Engliſhman being demaunded of his Generals name, would write or ſpeake Quebraran for Baskeruile, ſomuch difference there is The difference twixt Quebraran and the ſound of the ſillables, as there is no affinitie at all, or likelihoode of truth: But ſuch are the Generals rare gifts, (be it ſpoken to his ſmall praiſe) that we Engliſhmen muſt of force confeſſe that the Generail hath giuen a proude onſet to carrie the whetſtone from Signior Barnardino de Mendozzai: Neither will the 140. men & 15. noble Captaines (which hee ſaith hee did take, of whome he might haue beene The Generall conuicted of lying and forgery.rightly informed of their generals name) acquit him of lying forgerie, for giuing the name of Quebraran to the Engliſh Generall: as for the good Shippe well manned, which he ſaith the Engliſh left themafter