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A Libell of

care of our ſmalleſt Shippes: This fight continued about fower howers til it was neere night, in the which fight, thanks be to God, there was ſlaine ſo fewe perſons of our Engliſh fleete as I thinke the like conflict hath not beene performed with The Engliſh receiued little loſſe in this conflict.ſo little loſſe of men: What harme befell the Spaniards in their fleete I leaue to your iudgements . Yet our eyes can witneſſe their Shippes were ſore beaten and raked thorough, whereby there was ſuch falling backe and lying by the Lee to ſtoppe their leakes, as ſome of them were driuen to haſte awaye, and rather to runne on ſhore to ſaue themſelues then ſincke in the Sea: Beſides within two howers after our fight with them, wee ſaw one of their great Shippes on fire which burnt into the Sea, and all the Sterne of another of their Shippes blowen vp: And in the morning a Shippe of our fleete was runne ſo neere the land, that to double the Cape current hee muſt of neceſſitie tacke about & fall in the wake of the enemie, whichcauſed