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"So material—so self-centered."

"But Zita Sloane's nice-looking and polite——"

"Curtis, she's just cheap. Bracelets like a Fiji Islander, and powder enough on her nose to make an avalanche. I don't care for myself, but I'm so ashamed for you, to see you taken in by a type like that."

She's really jealous, he thought, in a pleased glow. She loves me even more than I realized. "I can't remember what she looks like," he said. "When I look at you I can't remember what anyone else looks like."

She drew close to him again.

"And this evening I waited for you and I waited for you, and you didn't come! I didn't want to be sharing this starlight with him. I wanted you!"

"But, my darling, I was hunting for you everywhere." And he thought, I must never leave her unless I absolutely have to.

"I wanted you so!"